Hey šŸ‘‹šŸ»

Iā€™m a designer who loves to make an impact. I'm a self-thought designer, who is passionate about design and loves to create solutions for complex problems through user-centric design.

How I learnt

I had learnt from the paid certification courses from Google, and from my projects which really helped me to gain industrial knowledge of this field also from my last employer CEO who itself was an Industrial designer working under him was a privilege's.

How it goes,

I bridge the gap between business goals and human needs, using my curiosity to discover valuable insights while creating extensively thought-out design experiences.

My Recent Experience

My previous work experience was as a UI/UX Designer at BigPlans Technologies. I worked solo to design our company's websites and other products which led me to our benchmark product. Where my responsibilities included the research, development of information architectures, and lo-fi wireframes, which allowed developers to begin work immediately. I afterwards designed the UI for our progressive web application, which was responsive to 3 device sizes desktop, tablets, and mobile. I went through designing multiple iterations for each feedback integrations which allow us to reach its pre-beta state.

So, now I have been working in the software field for over 4 years, with a total of 2 years of professional experience. I am a quick learner and am able to adapt quickly to changing environments. I have developed a passion for designing and consider it to be my top priority. I am looking forward to the new or upcoming challenges.


I would like to work for a MAANG company or if not then specially for a company that likes to bring the change through their products eco-system for end users.

In my free time

<aside> šŸŽµ I listen Music


<aside> šŸŽ± I go to play Pool or Volleyball


<aside> šŸ“± I like Searching Designs & Trends
